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Marine Corps League Auxiliary Unit 476 Cpl. James L. Anderson 2915 S Hwy 89 Wellsville UT 84339 4357521808 Maverik - 10th West #531 Maverik - 10th West #531 1033 West 200 North Logan UT 84321 (435) 753-9543 Maverik - Hyde Park Maverik - Hyde Park 25 East 3700 North Hyde Park UT 84318 (435) 563-8668 Maverik - Logan Maverik - Logan 304 South Main Street Logan UT 84321 (435) 752-4470 Maverik - Nibley Maverik - Nibley 3090 South Main Street Nibley UT 84321 (435) 787-2151 Maverik - Providence Maverik - Providence 1190 South Highway 165 Providence UT 84321 (435) 752-8168 Maverik - Richmond Maverik - Richmond 10 South 200 West Richmond UT 84333 (435) 258-5120 Maverik - Wellsville #533 Maverik - Wellsville #533 748 East Main Street Wellsville UT 84339 (435) 245-3184 Maverik, Inc. Maverik, Inc. 185 South State St. Suite #800 Salt Lake City UT 84111 (801) 936-5557 McDonalds of Hyrum - Jeranbi, Inc. McDonalds of Hyrum - Jeranbi, Inc. 25 South 800 East Hyrum UT 84319 (435) 245-0635 McDonalds of Logan - Jeranbi, Inc. McDonalds of Logan - Jeranbi, Inc. 810 North Main Street Logan UT 84321 (435) 753-3119 McDonalds of Smithfield - Jeranbi, In... McDonalds of Smithfield - Jeranbi, Inc. 180 North Main Smithfield UT 84335 (435) 563-3477 McDonalds of South Logan - Jeranbi, I... McDonalds of South Logan - Jeranbi, Inc. 1035 South Highway 89/91 Logan UT 84321 (435) 755-8060 McFarland Guided tours McFarland Guided tours 921 Orchard Drive River Heights UT 84321 (435) 881-9795 Meadow Stone Meadow Stone 689 E 480 S Hyrum UT 84319 (801) 822-2859 Measur LLC Measur LLC 2340 W Heritage Drive Suite A Nibley UT 84321 (435) 695-7685 Meg B Marketing Meg B Marketing (801) 557-6006 Mold Busters Mold Busters 520 South 500 East Logan UT 84323 (435) 752-2646 Moonlight Diesel Moonlight Diesel 3280 N Main St. Hyde Park UT 84341 (435) 563-0643 Morty's Cafe Morty's Cafe 68 UT - 165 #120 Providence UT 84332 Mountain America Credit Union Mountain America Credit Union 1425 N 200 E Logan UT 84341 (435) 752-3666 Mountain West Small Business Finance Mountain West Small Business Finance 255 South Main Street Suite #100 Logan UT 84321 (801) 474-3232 Mt. Naomi Farms, LLC Mt. Naomi Farms, LLC 1285 E 4500 N Hyde Park Utah 84318-6721 (435) 232-4525 Mtn. Valley HVAC Mtn. Valley HVAC PO Box 354 Wellsville UT 84339 (435) 754-3697