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UNPS - Utah Native Plant Society - Cache Chapter 5305 Old Main Hill Intermountain Herbarium Logan UT 84322-5305 (435) 797-0061 US Title Insurance Agency - Brigham C... US Title Insurance Agency - Brigham City 960 South Main Street Suite #2B Brigham City Utah 84302 (435) 723-6400 US Title Insurance Agency-Logan US Title Insurance Agency-Logan 399 North Main Street Suite #210 Logan UT 84321 (435) 753-3500 USU Advancement USU Advancement USU Aggie Ice Cream USU Aggie Ice Cream 750 North 1200 East Logan UT 84322-3500 (435) 797-2109 USU Aggie Sports Properties USU Aggie Sports Properties 7400 Old Main Hill Logan UT 84322-7400 (435) 797-8992 USU Alumni Relations & Association USU Alumni Relations & Association 7500 Old Main Hill Logan UT 84322-7500 (435) 797-9693 USU Athletics Department USU Athletics Department 7400 Old Main Hill Logan UT 84322 (435) 797-1850 USU Caine College of the Arts USU Caine College of the Arts 4030 Old Main Hill Logan UT 84322-4060 (435) 797-3040 USU Campus Store USU Campus Store 650 North 800 East Logan UT 84322 (435) 797-3950 USU Career Services USU Career Services 4305 Old Main Hill University Inn #102 Logan UT 84322-4305 (435) 797-7777 USU CIO Information Technology USU CIO Information Technology 8010 Old Main Hill Logan UT 84322-4420 (435) 797-8146 USU College of Agriculture & Applied ... USU College of Agriculture & Applied Sciences 4800 Old Main Hill Logan UT 84322-4800 (435) 797-2201 USU College of Engineering USU College of Engineering 4100 Old Main Hill Logan UT 84322-4100 (435) 797-2775 USU College of Humanities and Social ... USU College of Humanities and Social Sciences 0700 Old Main Hill Logan UT 84322-0700 (435) 797-1195 USU College of Science USU College of Science 0305 Old Main Hill Logan UT 84322-0305 (435) 797-2478 USU Emma Eccles Jones College of Educ... USU Emma Eccles Jones College of Education & Human Services 2800 Old Main Hill Logan UT 84322-2800 (435) 797-1470 USU Extension USU Extension 179 North Main Street Suite #111 Logan UT 84321 (435) 752-6263 USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Busines... USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business 3505 Old Main Hill Logan UT 84322-3505 (435) 797-2376 USU Lyric Repertory Company USU Lyric Repertory Company 4035 Old Main Hill Utah State University Logan UT 84322-4035 (435) 797-3046 USU NCHAM National Center for Hearing... USU NCHAM National Center for Hearing Assessment & Management 2615 Old Main Hill Logan UT 84322 (435) 797-3584 USU Office of Events USU Office of Events USU Office of Research & Graduate Stu... USU Office of Research & Graduate Studies 1450 Old Main Hill Logan UT 84322-1450 (435) 797-1189 USU Space Dynamics Laboratory USU Space Dynamics Laboratory 1695 North Research Parkway North Logan UT 84341 (435) 713-3400 USU Summer Citizens Program USU Summer Citizens Program 5024 Old Main Hill Logan Utah 84322-5024 (435) 797-0425 USU The Utah Statesman USU The Utah Statesman 0165 Old Main Hill Logan UT 84322-0165 (435) 797-1775 USU Utah State University USU Utah State University 1400 Old Main Hill USU Logan UT 84322-1400 (435) 797-7172 Utah Department of Workforce Services... Utah Department of Workforce Services - Box Elder 138 West 990 South Brigham City Utah 84302 (435) 695-2628 Utah Department of Workforce Services... Utah Department of Workforce Services - Cache 180 North 100 West Logan UT 84321 (866) 435-7414 Utah Festival Opera and Musical Theat... Utah Festival Opera and Musical Theatre 59 South 100 West Logan UT 84321 (435) 750-0300 Utah I Families Feeding Families Utah I Families Feeding Families 1710 n 1000 e norrh logan UT 84341 (435) 512-7809 Utah Manufacturers Association Utah Manufacturers Association 428 East Winchester Street Suite #135 Murray UT 84107 (801) 363-3885 Utah Microloan Fund Utah Microloan Fund 154 East Ford Avenue #Ste A SLC UT 84115 (801) 746-1180 Utah State MBA Utah State MBA 3535 Old Main Hill Logan UT 84322-3535 435-797-3624 Utah Theatre Utah Theatre 18 West Center Street Logan UT 84321 (435) 750-0300